Unity Earth

I’m looking for answers. The question is along the lines of “what’s the reality of our existence”. That might not be the best question but it’s the best I have so far. I’ve decided to look at different theories and groups and comment on what works for me, and what doesn’t. In my 70 years […]

The Noosphere and Similar Concepts

The purpose of this article is to link various terminologies that pertain to, what I loosely call, a global produced consciousness. There’s the Noosphere, the Collective Unconscious, the Super Conscious, the idea of a Learning Evolution, the Global Brain. There’s others but this is a good beginning.

Remittance Man

Man (or woman) was a term that applied to those who were “sent to the colonies”, a failure to their families in the home countries, an embarrassment, hence sent to the and sent a periodic remittance. Presumably just enough to survive and prevent them from returning home to cause further embarrassment. They were […]

Living With Dystonia for 40+ Years

I thought I would post about , it may be a long one. I’ve had it for 42 years, my story might help someone who is dealing with something similar or does a search on Dystonia. It’s hard to forget that exact time when you realized others may not view you as “normal”. I use […]

Comparing Social Media Platforms: The Potential of Mastodon

Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, a lot of people have started questioning the alternatives. Having a USA based Oligarch like Musk controlling public opinion through a powerful tool like Twitter doesn’t sit well with many, especially in Canada. It started some self reflecting and many are trying out new platforms, one of the most […]

The Cost of Religion in Canada

The Centre for Inquiry Canada published an excellent 5 part series on the Cost of Religion in Canada 2022. The links are below, each one preceded by an excerpt from CFIC argues that, notwithstanding historical precedent, it is no longer appropriate to confer charitable status— along with all the financial benefits that status entails— on […]

Truck Convoy Protest & Christian Fundamentalists

The truck convoy protest that’s currently grabbing the headlines across Canada is causing concern among many Canadians. The majority of Canadians, I believe, think this is a great country. It’s peaceful, compassionate, abides by the rule of law and takes care of its citizenry. So who are these group of people who are threatening our […]